Millennial Democrats Mission Statement.
Welcome to Millennial Democrats! I'd like to just take a minute to explain our mission and what we stand for. You don't necessarily have to be a millennial to be here, as its more of a description
for our group's mission, rather than a requirement. During the 2016 campaign, many in the mainstream media portrayed Hillary Clinton far more negatively than Trump or Bernie, and stuck with the untrue narrative that millennials just weren't enthusiastic about Hillary. While that's not true, it does point to another problem we sometimes find amongst many Democrats. It has been this millennial's experience that it's a growing epidemic amongst those of 18-35. That epidemic being political apathy, or purity politics. Our mission is to dispel the myth that millennials were unenthusiastic about Hillary Clinton, but also to inspire passion amongst these young votes and ALL voters. We can't count on the government or the media to encourage turnout at every election, local & national. It is also important to help would be democratic voters understand that apathy or playing purity politics are dangerous ideals to practice in today's tumultuous political climate. Political apathy may seem so much easier, you know, that whole "ignorance is bliss thing", but 100% of eligible but apathetic voters end up at a disadvantage in their personal lives. and most don't even realize they could've avoided whatever problems that have due to legislation passed that affects them negatively by simply caring enough about their own lives, their families, and their communities and casting a ballot each and every time the polls are open. What can be just as dangerous as apathy is purity politics. For every so-called "sin" the media spread of Hillary and those not bothered to reach into their pockets, grab their phones, and google the truth, just about every other candidate has done, is doing, will do the same thing. I've heard this practice being referred to as the establishment. Well, its time to grow up. Every career path you choose has politics in place. One must "play the game", so to speak, to be taken seriously in cut-throat DC. Plus, world leaders work much better with a politically knowledgeable, personable, experienced, qualified politician who knows diplomatic etiquette. We are experiencing the exact opposite of that now in 2017. I've written a novel already, and I'm sure I'll add more as the group continues to grow. Let's not allow this thunderous political storm we are in now make us feel defeated. Instead, use the thought of this egregious administration to embolden yourself to not keep quiet about it anymore out of fear of how others may react. Education is key! And we've got a country to save. If you think it's possible to save her and you believe you can be an influence, thank you for joining.